This is the Question of the Moment - which way to go?
I've used TMs in the past, with success. But I'm liking what I hear about BBs. Decisions, decisions.
As I said elsewhere - in Foundation Files I think - I'm currently using a mineral powder. Problem is, with my pigmentation, unless I really go to town (well, my version thereof) I can't get the coverage I need. So I need more.
I'm leaning to a BB cream. TMs are all well and good, but their main goal is moisturising. And with my oil & cream concoction, I don't need more moisture. Odds are, if I went to a TM, it'd slide off, because I am not going to give up the one for the other - I love what my moisturiser is doing for me, and I don't see the point in using that 99% of the time, and a TM every now and again. The risk of my skin going 'Ack!' is too great. Mess not with what is working.
A lot of BBs are meant to moisturise as well. Some have added ingredients to boost the skin (so do TMs). But they are also meant for covering blemishes, so theoretically, they should do what I need more than a TM.
For BBs, Choice tells me Natio (Aussie, cruelty free, cheap) or Garnier (not Aussie, perhaps not cruelty free, cheap) are the way to go. Palmers (not Aussie, (aybe cruelty free, cheap) also rated well, although it appears it was a bit 'thin'. Natio's fragrance was a concern for some testers. The Olay one is also supposedly quite good. Maybe Mud from Woolies (really cheap) as a trial is the best starting point - I can get it, play with it here on the station, work out the pros and cons, then head out into the real world. Or not.
One thing though, that really irks me is this: many BBs and TMs do not have Broad Spectrum SPF, most have an SPF of 15+ only, and WTH is wrong with these companies? We're in Australia - skin cancer capital of the world!!! Don't believe me? According to the Cancer Council of Australia, we have 2 to 3 times the rate of skin cancers of the UK, US and Canada. So where's the SPF Broad Spectrum?
I should point out here that I know the SPF in makeup is not enough to protect your face anyway (need to reapply regularly for that), but still, a lot of people think they are doing a good thing for their skin buying a product with SPF, and these products are - telling fibs by omission.
I'll report back on what I decided, what I purchased (probably Woolies, I can have that in less than 2 weeks, the rest will be 4 at least), and how I go.
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